No dream is too big. No challenge is too great.
Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach.
The best is yet to come!
President Donald Trump
Countdown to Election Day
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." ~Ronald Reagan
With less than one week away from the most important election of our lifetime, we want to offer you encouragement. Never taking anything for granted, and while we are VERY confident in Trump overwhelmingly winning Oklahoma. we must remember, win or lose we still have a country to fight for. And fight, we will.
Take a look at some of the events and opportunities coming up in the next few days, as well as a voting recommendation. We encourage you to research the judges and State Questions and make up your own mind - or use ours. Just VOTE!! Call and text at least 10 friends by election day to remind them to vote, and then ask them to do the same. It's a numbers game.
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed." Thomas Jefferson
6 days and counting!!
We still have LOTS to do and need your help.
Volunteers needed for...
* Literature/Bag drops
* Early Voting Sign Wave near One OK Field (would like minimum of 2 teams with 3 people each per shift)
* Putting out signs promoting Republican Party and Republican Candidates
* Lineup and parking for Trump Train Rolling Rally Sun, Nov 1
If you can help with ANY of these needs, please contact the Tulsa GOP office at
EARLY VOTING Thursday thru Saturday at ONEOK Field
Thursday, October 29th 9 am - 6 pm
Friday, October 30th 9 am - 6 pm
Saturday, October 31st 9 am - 2 pm
Vote Straight Party Republican Ticket.
All good candidates who will support US Constitution and protect our rights.
Judges: We have reviewed Michael Bates' recommendations and agree with them. See
Tulsa City Council: Again, we have reviewed Michael Bates' recommendations and agree with them. See . We especially voice our support for Cass Fahler, who has been a staunch supporter of the Tulsa Police Department, unlike other councilors.
State Questions:
SQ 805. NO
Oklahoma District Attorneys and most law enforcement is against this question. When you read the list of criminal offenses that are considered "nonviolent," it is obvious that this is a bad proposal. SQ 805 is an amendment to OK Constitution, which makes it extremely hard to amend or get rid of.
SQ 814. OK Constitutional Amendment
PRO: This proposal would give the OK Legislature some oversight and control over TSET funds. It would give Legislature 75% of settlement payout which could be used for approved Medicaid expansion.
Again, this proposal is a Constitutional Amendment which makes alteration extremely difficult. The wording does not mandate funds be used for Medicaid, so Legislature could direct funds for something else in future.
Last Call!! ALL Aboard the Trump Train! Republican Party of Tulsa County and Marcus Neal unite one more time for the last rolling rally before the election.
Grab your flags! Decorate your vehicles! Join with fellow patriots as we roll through the Tulsa area showing our support for our President.
We will meet in the NW parking lot at 71st and 193rd E Ave (Kenosha and County Line) at 1:00 pm (or earlier). announcements, prayer and pledge starting at 2:15. Begin lineup on BA Expressway starts at 2:45.
* Porta Potties will be available for use prior to departure
* Vendors will be on site
* Items available for raffle with benefits going to Tulsa FOP Benevolence Fund
Travel Route:
Broken Arrow Expressway to Highway 75 N to Highway 412 E
Our final destination: I Don't Care Bar and Grill for food, fun, and fellowship!! Plenty of parking and an outdoor bar
Last rolling rally we had over 330 vehicles and was a couple of miles long. Let's make this Final Call for the Trump Train even bigger! Tell your friends and family and join us for an afternoon of fun!!
Tulsa 9.12 November Meeting
November 12, 2020
For November, we thought it would be a good idea to invite Bob Jack, Tulsa County Republican Party Chair, to go over the good, the bad, and the ugly of the Election 2020 outcome. He always provides great insight into trends and races.
We will also welcome Tulsa County District Attorney, Steve Kunzweiler, to discuss current issues and answer YOUR questions.
Thursday, November 12
6:30 pm
Spirit Life Church
55th and Peoria
ALL are welcome!!
Tulsa 9.12 Project Meetings
2020 Meetings
Tulsa 9.12 has regularly scheduled meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM at Spirit Life Church at 55th & Peoria. Mark your 2020 calendars for
- November 12
- December 10
We also have regularly scheduled breakfast meetings on the fourth Friday of each month at 7:30 AM at I-HOP at 71st & Garnett.
**Breakfast meetings have been postponed until I-HOP fully opens it's meeting room. If you have a suggestion on another easily accessible location, we would love to hear about it.
PLEASE NOTE: Tulsa 9.12 Breakfast Club does not meet in November and December due to holidays.
In addition to our regular meetings Tulsa 9.12 will also have special events and training so watch your emails announcing these opportunities.
Ronda Vuillemont-Smith
Tulsa 9.12 Project
Tulsa 9.12 Project is a conservative grassroots organization whose focus is educating, empowering and activating concerned citizens; in pursuit of limited government, free markets and a strong belief in individual liberty, natural rights and personal responsibility.