9.12 Meeting THIS Thursday - It's a New Year!!


It has been a while since we last met and 2019 looks to be a busy one. Next week our new governor, Kevin Stitt is inaugurated - (links to inaugural events below), and we begin working together for Oklahoma's Turnaround. I am excited to see Stitt and his administration take the reins. I am hopeful we will finally have accountability and reform in state government. We live in exciting times!
Join us THIS Thursday! Please join us and bring a friend!


Thursday, January 10, 2019

Oklahoma Wind Industry - Good for Oklahoma or No?

Tulsa County GOP Update and Upcoming Precinct Meetings

Last year's legislative session seemed to be primarily focused on education and teacher pay raises. Occasionally we would hear about the wind tax credits and the $70 million check Oklahoma writes to the wind industry. Others would state that wind farms are helping to cover the cost of education through ad valorem taxes paid by the wind industry. This year the battle will continue on whether to abolish wind tax credits or not. 

Do we need to offer incentives to the wind industry? How does the wind industry benefit Oklahoma when the majority of the energy is used outside of Oklahoma? Why should we support the wind industry? Instead of incentives, should wind energy be taxed in the same way oil and gas are? Mark Yates, Oklahoma Director for the Wind Coalition, will answer these questions and more THIS Thursday.

A few facts opposing tax credits for wind industry

Bring your questions and concerns. 

About Mark Yates:

Mark Yates serves as the Oklahoma Director for the Wind Coalition. Mark was previously with Oklahoma Farm Bureau where he served as Vice President of Field Operations. Mark worked closely with the membership of Farm Bureau to engage in the legislative process. He worked to educate members and the public about important legislative issues that
Mark Yates
impacted the agricultural industry. In his time with Farm Bureau he traveled the state and served as the liaison to the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber and Tulsa Regional Chamber.

Prior to his time at Farm Bureau Mark was an educator in Oklahoma Public Schools for eleven years. He spent time as a teacher and coach at Plainview, Edmond North, and Mustang High Schools. Along with his teaching experience Mark also served as the Federal Programs Director for Plainview Public Schools in Ardmore, Ok. With his unique background Mark understands the vital role that the wind industry plays in rural Oklahoma but also the impact it has for schools in Oklahoma.

Mark is a graduate of East Central University in Ada, Oklahoma where he holds a Bachelors in History and Masters in Secondary Administration. Mark lives in Edmond, Ok with his wife Stacy and daughter Londyn. They are very active in the community and their church.

Thursday, January 10
6:30 PM
Spirit Life Church (55th and Peoria)
Bring a friend!!
GOP Update and Upcoming Precinct Meetings

Saturday, January 5, the state GOP held its state committee meeting in Oklahoma City.  Representative Harold Wright was officially removed from the OKGOP State Committee. Republican legislators are granted inclusion in the ruling
body of the OKGOP, by being in elective office. Wright has been a State Committee member for several years.  Read about it at Sooner Politics
Pam Pollard announced that she will not be seeking another term as OKGOP Chair. A handful of names of people considering a run for this office are being bandied about as potential candidates.
In 2019 the GOP holds its precinct, county and state meetings at which time we elect Precinct Chairs, County Chair, Vice Chair, State and District Committee members and State Chair and Vice Chair. We have a busy year and the importance of GOP participation is very important.
Tulsa County GOP Chair, David McLain, will inform us of the upcoming precinct meetings and update us on the happenings of the party.
Involvement in the precinct meetings is very important. Come find out why.
Mark Your Calendar
January 2019
Jan 10 - Tulsa 9.12 Meeting - The Oklahoma Wind Industry - Good or bad? / GOP Update
Jan 12 -  10:00 - noon - Scissortail Children's Festival - Jenks Aquarium - ($25/family to benefit Foster Care) RSVP here
7:00 p.m. - Preinaugural Redbud Ball - Cox Convention Center Tulsa (Black tie $150/person) RSVP here
Jan 14 - 11:30 a.m. - Governor Stitt swearing in followed by reception at state capitol (FREE)
7:00 p.m. - Inaugural Dinner and Ball - Cox Convention Center OKC (Black tie $250/person) RSVP here
Jan 25 -  7:30 a.m. - Tulsa 9.12 Breakfast Club - I-HOP 71st and Garnett
Jan 29 - Republican Party Precinct Caucus (place and time to be announced)
Have an idea for a speaker or topic? We would love to hear your ideas  Email us
Tulsa 9.12 Project Meetings!
2019 Meetings

Tulsa 9.12 has regularly scheduled meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM at Spirit Life Church at 55th & Peoria. Mark your 2017 calendars for:
  • January 10
  • February 14
  • March 14
        • April 11
        • May 9
        • June 13
        • July 11
        • August 8
        • September 12
        • October 10
        • November 14
        • December 12

We also have regularly scheduled breakfast meetings on the fourth Friday of each month at 7:30 AM at I-HOP at 71st & Garnett.  
        • January 25
        • February 22
        • March 22
        • April 26
        • May 24
        • June 28
        • July 26
        • August 23
        • September 27
        • October 25
Note: Tulsa 9.12 Breakfast Club does not meet in November and December due to holidays.

In addition to our regular meetings Tulsa 9.12 will also have special events and training so watch your emails announcing these opportunities.
Ronda Vuillemont-Smith

Tulsa 9.12 Project is a conservative grassroots organization whose focus is educating, empowering and activating concerned citizens; in pursuit of limited government, free markets and a strong belief in individual liberty, natural rights and personal responsibility.